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    IEC 62973-3:2024

    Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 3: Lead acid batteries
    • 발행일 : 2024-04-10
    • 발행기관 : IEC
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분야 TC 9 : Electrical equipment and systems for railways
적용범위 IEC 62973-3:2024 establishes the framework for the selection and operation of lead acid batteries of the VRLA type for auxiliary power supply systems on rolling stock of railways and complements IEC 62973-1, unless otherwise specified. This document provides guidance and links to standards for the required battery qualification tests procedures and safety measures to be implemented. In this document, the most appropriate clauses of these cited standards have been selected and adapted as needed to reflect the intended use of these batteries as auxiliary power sources on rolling stock of railways.
The battery-specific requirements for subcomponents of battery systems such as containers, charging controls, temperature probes, nameplates and similar are covered in this document as needed.
Charging systems are excluded from the scope of this document.
국제분류(ICS)코드 45.060.01 : 철도 차량 일반
29.220.20 : 산 이차전지 및 축전지
45.040 : 철도 공학용 자재 및 부품
페이지수 31
Edition 1.0


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 IEC 62973-3:2024상세보기 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 3: Lead acid batteries 2024-04-10 표준

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