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Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's) - Part 2-2: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO's functionally dependent on line voltage
Filters for the measurement of audible sound in the presence of ultrasound
Brush-holders for electrical machines. Guide to the measurement of the static thrust applied to brushes
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for planers and thicknessers
Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurements - Part2: Video characteristics chrominance SECAM
Non-broadcast video tape recorders - Methods of measurement - Part 3: Audio characteristics for FM recording
Electroacoustics - Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity - Measurements with pairs of pressure sensing microphones
Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits. Performance requirements
Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V (generally called neon-transformers). General and safety requirements
Amendment 1 - Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V (generally called neon-transformers). General and safety requirements
Varistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Blank detail specification for zinc oxide surge suppression varistors. Assessment level E
Specification for non-impregnated, densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
Specification for glass and glass polyester fibre woven tapes - Part 2: Methods of test
Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcasttransmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 1: Radio-frequencymeasurements on outdoor units
Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 4: Electrical measurements on sound/data decoder units for the digital subcarrier NTSC system
General considerations for telecommunication services for electric power systems
Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors
Methods of measuring the characteristics of reproducing equipment for digital audio compact discs
Reference tapes for video tape recorder systems
Expression of performance of sample handling systems for process analyzers
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