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Iron and steel products. Testing of tin coatings on iron and steel thread.
Aerospace series. Bearings, airframe rolling, rigid single row ball bearings, in steel, diameter series 0 and 2, dimensions and loads.
Aerospace series. Bearings, airframe rolling, single row self-aligning roller bearings, in steel, diameter series 3 and 4, dimensions and loads.
Chemical analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Determination of total silicon.
Chemical analysis of copper containing not less than 99,90 per cent copper. Determination of copper.
Semi-products made from aluminium, copper, nickel and their alloys. Determination of grain size. Aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Vocabulary for the refractories industry. Part 1 : general terms.
Vocabulary for the refractories industry. Part 5 : furnaces and the use of refractory products.
Chemical analysis of refractories. Determination of the loss on ignition.
Chemical analysis of refractories. Silica materials, silico-argillaceous and argillaceous materials. Determination of aluminium.
Chemical analysis of refractories. Silica materials, silico-argillaceous and argillaceous materials. Determination of phosphorus.
Chemical analysis of refractories. Silica materials. Determination of silicon (rapid method by hydrofluoric volatilisation).
Metal packaging. Biscuit tins.
Graphic technology. Recommandations for data and text acquisition on micro computers word processing systems.
Solid insulating materials. Micaceous products in rolls. Specifications.
Spices and condiments. Whole black and blond caraway (carum carvi lunnaeus). Specification.
Spices and condiments. Celery seeds (apium {Graveolens} {Linnaeus}). Specifications.
Testing methods for insulating materials. Punching properties.
Methods of testing insulating varnishes. Determination of electric strength.
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