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PDF : 직접 파일 다운로드 및 인쇄 (마이페이지 확인)
PRINT : 인쇄본 우편발송, 2~3일 소요(PDF파일 미제공)
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect back-channel logout 1.0 incorporating errata set 1
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect dynamic client registration 1.0 incorporating errata set 2
Information technology - Process assessment - Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 processes to the ISO/IEC 33020 process capability measurement scale
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect RP-initiated logout 1.0
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect front-channel logout 1.0
Information technology - OpenID connect - OAuth 2.0 form post response mode
Information technology - Process assessment - Application of ISO/IEC TS 33073 processes to the ISO/IEC 33020 process capability measurement scale
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect session management 1.0
Information technology - OpenID connect - OAuth 2.0 multiple response type encoding practices
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect discovery 1.0 incorporating errata set 2
Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect core 1.0 incorporating errata set 2
Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 1: General
Information technology - Biometric sample quality - Part 4: Finger image data
Nuclear facilities - Electrical power systems - Diesel generator units applied as standby power sources
Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 1: General
Explosive atmospheres - ALL PARTS
Control and protection systems for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission systems - Off-site real-time simulation testing
Printed Electronics - Part 301-3: Equipment - Contact printing - Rigid master - Method to measure the shape errors of printing plate rollers
Electric dishwashers for household use - Methods for measuring the microbiological efficacy of the dishwashing process
Corrigendum 1 - Eyewear display - Part 22-20: Specific measurement methods for AR type - Image quality
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