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Passenger cars - Bench test method for brake running-In that simulates market usage
Test specification for lithium-ion non-traction battery packs and systems ?Part 1: For general systems
Automotive parts-Waved spring washers
Automobile gasoline engine oils
Road vehicles-Test methods of Air Conditioning System COP [Coefficient of Performance] on a Test Bench
Safety Device for Proof against Descent of Dump Truck Body
Test specification for lithium-ion non-traction battery packs and systems ? Part 2: For functional units
Automotive Parts - Bolts or screws and washer assemblies
Two-stroke-cycle gasoline engine - Engine oils - Smoke test procedure
Automobile Automobile Automobile diesel engine ngine oils -Fuel Fuel economy conomyconomy conomy test est procedurerocedure rocedure
Glossary of terms relating to motorcycle and moped stability and controllability
Automotive parts-Test methods of brake discs Part 1: Material Characteristics
Impedance equivalence test of automotive electrical and electronic devices and component
Road vehicles-Performance Requirements and Evaluation method of Chassis Dynamometer Test System for the purpose of Reproducing Driving Conditions on The Road Part II Evaluation of Effectiveness of Tire Slip Prevention Measures on Chassis Dynamometer
Two-stroke-cycle gasoline engine - Engine oils - Classifications
Motorcycles-Hands-off straightability test procedure
Automotive parts - Pipe fittings - Glossary of terms
Automotive parts-Test methods of automobile high voltage relays
Road vehicles-Performance Requirements and Evaluation method of Chassis Dynamometer Test System for the purpose of Reproducing Driving Conditions on The Road Part I Calculation Method for Quantitative Evaluation Index of Chassis Dynamometer Control Performance Under Rapid Acceleration and Deceleration Conditions
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