관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.
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분야 | |
적용범위 | Trace element analysis, Barium, Glass, Lead, Cadmium, Toxicity, Selenium, Children, Accuracy, Plastics, Metals, Solvent extraction methods, Board (paper), Polymers, Determination of content, Safety measures, Toys, Chromium, Paper, Leisure equipment, Ceramics, Mercury, Migration (chemical), Reports, Toxic materials, Textiles, Antimony, Chemical analysis and testing, Arsenic, Test specimens, Accident prevention, Coatings |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | 97.200.50 : 완구 |
페이지수 | 66 |
Edition |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | BS EN 71-3:2019+A1:2021 | Safety of toys. Migration of certain elements. | 2021-04-29 | 표준 |
2 | BS EN 71-3:2019 | Safety of toys. Migration of certain elements. | 2019-04-24 | 폐지 |
3 | BS EN 71-3:2013+A3:2018 | Safety of toys. Migration of certain elements. | 2018-07-13 | 폐지 |
4 | BS EN 71-3:1995 | Safety of toys. Specification for migration of certain elements. | 2001-04-15 | 폐지 |
BS EN 71-2:1994 - Safety of toys. Flammability. 상세보기
BS EN 71-6:1995 - Safety of toys. Graphical symbols for age warning labelling. 상세보기
BS EN 71-1:1998 - Safety of toys. Mechanical and physical properties. 상세보기
BS EN 71-3:1995 - Safety of toys. Specification for migration of certain elements. 상세보기
BS EN 71-7:2002 - Safety of toys. Finger paints. Requirements and test methods. 상세보기
BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 - Safety of toys. Mechanical and physical properties. 상세보기
BS EN 71-2:2020 - Safety of toys. Flammability. 상세보기
BS EN 1400:2013+A2:2018 - Child use and care articles. Soothers for babies and young children. Safety requirements and test methods. 상세보기
ISO 8124-2:2023 - Safety of toys — Part 2: Flammability 상세보기
ASTM F2012-18e1 - Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Stationary Activity Centers 상세보기
IEC TS 63134:2020 - Active assisted living (AAL) use cases 상세보기
IEC 60034-5:2020 RLV - Rotating electrical machines - Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) - Classification 상세보기
KS B ISO TS 25740-1 - 에스컬레이터 및 무빙워크에 대한 안전요건 — 제1부: 세계공통 필수 안전요건(GESRs) 상세보기
KS B ISO TS 8100-21 - 승객 및 화물 운송용 엘리베이터 —제21부: 세계공통 필수안전요건(GESRs)을 충족하는 세계공통 안전 파라미터(GSPs) 상세보기
KS C IEC TS 62872 - 산업 시설과 스마트 그리드 사이의 산업 공정 측정, 제어 및 자동화 시스템 인터페이스 상세보기