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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스

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    ISO 8528-6:2005

    Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 6: Test methods
    • 발행일 : 2005-06-07
    • 발행기관 : ISO
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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    • [영어]PDF 105,100원

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분야 ISO/TC 70 : Internal combustion engines

ISO 8528-6:2005 specifies the test methods to be used for characterizing an entire generating set. It applies to alternating current (a.c.) generating sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines for land and marine use, excluding generating sets used on aircraft or to propel land vehicles and locomotives.

For some specific applications (e.g. essential hospital supplies, high-rise buildings) supplementary requirements may be necessary. The provisions of ISO 8528-6:2005 are intended as a basis for establishing any supplementary requirements.

For a.c. generating sets driven by other reciprocating type prime movers (e.g. steam engines), ISO 8528-6:2005 is intended as a basis for establishing these requirements.

국제분류(ICS)코드 27.020 : 내연기관
29.160.40 : 발전장치
페이지수 13
Edition 2


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ISO 8528-6:2023상세보기 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 6: Test methods 2023-11-06 표준
2 ISO 8528-6:2005상세보기 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 6: Test methods 2005-06-07 구판
3 ISO 8528-6:1993상세보기 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 6: Test methods 1993-04-22 구판

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