해외표준 상세정보
관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스
제공형태 더보기-
IEC 61340-4-4:2005
Electrostatics — Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)- 발행일 : 2005-10-28
- 발행기관 : IEC
분야 | ISO/TC 122/SC 3 : Performance requirements and tests for means of packaging, packages and unit loads (as required by ISO/TC 122) |
적용범위 |
Describes procedures for evaluating the ignition risk presented by electrostatic discharges from FIBC to flammable or explosive environments. The requirements of this standard are applicable to all types of FIBC, tested as manufactured, prior to usage, intended for use without liners in flammable or explosive environments with minimum ignition energy of more than 0,14 mJ, and where the charging currents do not exceed 3,0 A. NOTE - 0,14 mJ is the minimum ignition energy normally quoted for methanol. Although more sensitive materials exist, methanol has the lowest minimum ignition energy of any material that is likely to be present when FIBC are emptied. 3,0 uA is the highest charging current likely to be found in common industrial processes. This combination of minimum ignition energy and charging current represents the most severe conditions that might be expected in practice. Compliance with the requirements of this standard does not mitigate the need for full risk assessment. The test methods included in this standard may be used in association with other performance requirements, for example when a risk assessment has shown the minimum ignition energy of concern is less than 0,14 mJ or charging currents greater than 3,0 uA are present. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 |
19.080 : 전기 및 전자 시험 및 측정기구
55.180.99 : 화물운송 기타 |
페이지수 | 42 |
Edition | 1 |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | IEC 61340-4-4:2018상세보기 | Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) | 2018-01-30 | 표준 |
2 | IEC 61340-4-4:2018 RLV상세보기 | Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) | 2018-01-30 | 표준 |
3 | IEC 61340-4-4:2012/AMD1:2014상세보기 | Amendment 1 - Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) | 2014-11-12 | 구판 |
4 | IEC 61340-4-4:2012+AMD1:2014 CSV상세보기 | Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediatebulk containers (FIBC) | 2014-11-12 | 구판 |
5 | IEC 61340-4-4:2012상세보기 | Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) | 2012-01-18 | 구판 |
6 | IEC 61340-4-4:2005상세보기 | Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) | 2005-10-13 | 구판 |
- IEC TS 61340-5-1:1998 - Electrostatics - Part 5-1: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - General requirements
- IEC TS 61340-5-2:1999 - Electrostatics - Part 5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - User guide
- IEC TR 61340-2-2:2000 - Electrostatics - Part 2-2: Measurement methods - Measurement of chargeability
- IEC 61340-4-1:2003 - Electrostatics - Part 4-1: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrical resistance of floor coverings and installed floors
- IEC 61340-3-1:2006 - Electrostatics - Part 3-1: Methods for simulation of electrostatic effects - Human body model (HBM) electrostatic discharge test waveforms
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