해외표준 상세정보

관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스

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분야 ISO/TC 106/SC 4 : Dental instruments

This document specifies requirements and test methods for hand-held or mechanically operated auxiliary instruments for performing root canal procedures such as barbed broaches, paste carriers, explorers, cotton broaches and cannulae. This document specifies requirements for size, product designation, safety considerations, instructions and labelling.

국제분류(ICS)코드 11.060.20 : 치과장비
페이지수 19
Edition 2


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ISO 3630-4:2023상세보기 Dentistry — Endodontic instruments — Part 4: Auxiliary instruments 2023-08-18 표준
2 ISO 3630-4:2009상세보기 Dentistry — Root canal instruments — Part 4: Auxiliary instruments 2009-06-24 구판

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