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    ASTM D2103-03

    Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting
    • 발행일 : 2003-08-10
    • 발행기관 : ASTM
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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분야 08.01 : 플라스틱 (Ⅰ)

1.1 This specification covers the classification of polyethylene film and sheeting up to 0.3 mm [0.012 in.] in thickness, inclusive. The film or sheeting may contain additives for the improvement of the surface properties, pigments, or stabilizers, or combinations thereof.

1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in brackets are for information only.

1.3 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 8, of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.4 This specification allows for the use of recycled polyethylene film or resin as feedstock, in whole or in part, as long as all the requirements as governed by the producer and end user are also met (see Note 1).

Note 1—Guide D 5033 describes terminology and definitions related to recycled plastics.

Note 2—There is no known ISO equivalent to this specification.

페이지수 4
Edition 03


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ASTM D2103-23a상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film 2023-12-01 표준
2 ASTM D2103-23a REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film 2023-12-01 표준
3 ASTM D2103-23상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2023-11-15 구판
4 ASTM D2103-23 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2023-11-15 구판
5 ASTM D2103-15 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2015-04-01 구판
6 ASTM D2103-15상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2015-04-01 구판
7 ASTM D2103-10상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2010-04-01 구판
8 ASTM D2103-08상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2008-11-01 구판
9 ASTM D2103-05상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2005-12-01 구판
10 ASTM D2103-03상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 2003-08-10 구판
11 ASTM D2103-97상세보기 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 1997-04-10 구판

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