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    ASTM A623-16

    Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements
    • 발행일 : 2016-12-01
    • 발행기관 : ASTM
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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분야 01.06 : 피복 철강 제품

1.1 This specification covers a group of common requirements, which unless otherwise specified in the purchase order or in an individual specification, shall apply to tin mill products.

1.2 In case of any conflict in requirements, the requirements of the purchase order, the individual material specification, and this general specification shall prevail in the sequence named.

Note 1: A complete metric companion to Specification A623 has been developed—Specification A623M; therefore no metric equivalents are presented in this specification.

1.3 The following safety caveat covers Annex A3 through Annex A10 of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

국제분류(ICS)코드 77.140.50 : 보통 강제품 및 반제품
페이지수 38
Edition 16


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ASTM A623-22상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2022-03-01 표준
2 ASTM A623-22 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2022-03-01 표준
3 ASTM A623-16상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2016-12-01 구판
4 ASTM A623-16 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2016-12-01 구판
5 ASTM A623-11상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2011-10-01 구판
6 ASTM A623-10상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2010-10-01 구판
7 ASTM A623-09상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2009-10-01 구판
8 ASTM A623-08상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2008-01-01 구판
9 ASTM A623-06a상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2006-10-01 구판
10 ASTM A623-06상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2006-03-01 구판
11 ASTM A623-05상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2005-09-01 구판
12 ASTM A623-03상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2003-09-10 구판
13 ASTM A623-02a상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2002-11-10 구판
14 ASTM A623-00상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2002-05-10 구판
15 ASTM A623-02상세보기 Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, General Requirements 2002-05-10 구판


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