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    ASTM D5707-16

    Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine
    • 발행일 : 2016-10-01
    • 발행기관 : ASTM
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분야 05.02 : 석유제품 및 윤활유 (Ⅱ)

1.1 This test method covers a procedure for determining a lubricating grease's coefficient of friction and its ability to protect against wear when subjected to high-frequency, linear-oscillation motion using an SRV test machine at a test load of 200 N, frequency of 50 Hz, stroke amplitude of 1.00 mm, duration of 2 h, and temperature within the range of the test machine, specifically, ambient to 280 °C. Other test loads (10 N to 1200 N for SRVI-model, 10 N to 1400 N for SRVII-model, and 10 N to 2000 N for SRVIII-model), frequencies (5 Hz to 500 Hz) and stroke amplitudes (0.1 mm up to 4.0 mm) can be used, if specified. The precision of this test method is based on the stated parameters and test temperatures of 50 °C and 80 °C. Average wear scar dimensions on ball and coefficient of friction are determined and reported.

Note 1: Optimol Instruments supplies an upgrade kit to allow SRVI/II-machines to operate with 1600 N, if needed.

1.2 This test method can also be used for determining a fluid lubricant's ability to protect against wear and its coefficient of friction under similar test conditions.

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.

1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

국제분류(ICS)코드 75.100 : 윤활유
페이지수 8
Edition 16


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ASTM D5707-23상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2023-11-01 표준
2 ASTM D5707-23 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2023-11-01 표준
3 ASTM D5707-19상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2019-12-01 구판
4 ASTM D5707-19 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2019-12-01 구판
5 ASTM D5707-16상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2016-10-01 구판
6 ASTM D5707-16 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2016-10-01 구판
7 ASTM D5707-11상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2011-12-01 구판
8 ASTM D5707-05(2011)e1상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2011-07-01 구판
9 ASTM D5707-05상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2005-11-01 구판
10 ASTM D5707-98(2003)e1상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 2003-08-10 구판
11 ASTM D5707-98상세보기 Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine 1998-06-10 구판

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