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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스
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CAN/CSA-E967-94 (R2011)
Safety of Electrically Heated Blankets, Pads and Similar Flexible Heating Appliances for Household Use (Adopted IEC 967:1988, first edition, including Amendment 1:1991, with Canadian deviations) | Sécurité des couvertures, coussins et appareils chauffants- 발행일 : 1994-01-01
- 발행기관 : CSA
분야 | 11 : LG Electronics |
적용범위 | Scope 1.1 This Standard applies to electrically heated flexible appliances designed for the application of heat to a bed, or to the human body, such as blankets, pads and mattresses for household purposes, and to control units delivered with them. This Standard does not apply to: rigid bed warmers, such as those of metal or ceramic material; appliances specifically intended for use by persons under medical supervision; appliances for pets and other household animals. For appliances incorporating a massage function IEC Publication 335-2-32 is also applicable. Additional requirements are under consideration for: appliances incorporating conductive sheet type heating elements; duvets; appliances incorporating positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heating elements. 1.2 This Standard is concerned with safety and takes into acco unt the influence on safety of components necessary to achieve a required degree of radio and television interference suppression. 1.3 This Standard applies to the safety of such equipment designed to be installed and used in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part I. Note: Manufacturers designing products for use in Canada may find a helpful summary of the equipment-related requirements of the CEC, Part I, in CSA Publication Spe-2000.? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domaine d’application La pr?sente norme est applicable aux appareils souples chauff?s ?lectriquement con?us pour dispenser de la chaleur ? un lit ou au corps humain, tels que les couvertures, les coussins, et les matelas pour usage domestique, et aux dispositifs de commande livr?s avec eux. La pr?sente norme ne s'applique pas: aux dispositifs de chauffage rigides de lits, tels que ceux con?us en m?tal ou en c?ramique; aux appareils sp?cifiquement destin?s ? ?tre utilis?s par des personnes sous surveillance m?dicale; aux appareils pour les animaux de compagnie et autres animaux domestiques. Pour les appareils comportant une fonction de massage, la Publication 335-2-32 de la CEI est ?galement applicable. Des prescriptions compl?mentaires sont ? l'?tude pour: les appareils comportant des ?l?ments chauffants du type ? feuille conductrice; les couettes; les appareils comportant des ?l?ments chauffants ? coefficient de temp?rature positif (PTC). 1.2 La pr?sente norme traite de la s?curit? et tient compte de l'influence sur celle-ci des dispositifs n?cessaires pour atteindre un degr? prescrit de r?duction des perturbations de radiodiffusion et de t?l?vision. 1.3 Cette norme s'applique ? la s?curit? du mat?riel destin? ? ?tre install? et utilis? conform?ment au Code canadien de l'?lectricit ? (CCE), Premi?re partie. Note. Les fabricants qui con?oivent des produits destin?s au march? canadien peuvent trouver un r?sum? utile des exigences du CCE, Premi?re partie visant ces appareils dans la publication CSA SPE-2000. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | |
페이지수 | 256 |
Edition |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | ASTM E967-18 REDLINE상세보기 | Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers | 2018-03-15 | 표준 |
2 | ASTM E967-18상세보기 | Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers | 2018-03-15 | 표준 |
3 | ASTM E967-08(2014)상세보기 | Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers | 2014-03-15 | 구판 |
4 | ASTM E967-08상세보기 | Standard Practice for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers | 2008-09-01 | 구판 |
5 | ASTM E967-03상세보기 | Standard Practice for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers | 2003-03-10 | 구판 |
6 | ASTM E967-97상세보기 | Standard Practice for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers | 1997-03-10 | 구판 |
7 | CAN/CSA-E967-94 (R2011)상세보기 | Safety of Electrically Heated Blankets, Pads and Similar Flexible Heating Appliances for Household Use (Adopted IEC 967:1988, first edition, including Amendment 1:1991, with Canadian deviations) | Sécurité des couvertures, coussins et appareils chauffants | 1994-01-01 | 표준 |
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