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    IEC 60317-29:1990

    Specifications for particular types of winding wires. Part 29: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 200
    • 발행일 : 1990-10-15
    • 발행기관 : IEC
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분야 TC 55 : Winding wires
적용범위 IEC 60317-29:1990 specifies the requirements of enamelled rectangular copper winding wire of class 200 with a dual coating. The underlying coating is based on polyester or polyesterimide resin, which may be modified providing it retains the chemical identity of the original resin and meets all specified wire requirements. The superimposed coating is based on polyamide-imide resin. Class 200 is a thermal class that requires a minimum temperature index of 200 and a heat shock temperature of at least 220 °C. The temperature in degrees Celsius corresponding to the temperature index is not necessarily that at which it is recommended that the wire be operated and this will depend on many factors, including the type of equipment involved. The range of nominal conductor dimensions covered by this standard is:
- width: min. 2,0 mm max. 16,0 mm;
- thickness: min. 0,80 mm max. 5,60 mm.
Wires of grade 1 and grade 2 are included in this specification and apply to the complete range of conductors. The specified combinations of width and thickness as well as the specified width/thickness ratio are given in IEC 60317-0-2.
국제분류(ICS)코드 29.060.10 : 전선
페이지수 13
Edition 1.0


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 IEC 60317-29:1990/AMD2:2010상세보기 Amendment 2 - Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 29: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 200 2010-04-26 표준
2 IEC 60317-29:1990/AMD1:1997상세보기 Amendment 1 - Specifications for particular types of winding wires. Part 29: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 200 1997-12-22 표준
3 IEC 60317-29:1990상세보기 Specifications for particular types of winding wires. Part 29: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 200 1990-10-15 표준

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