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분야 | TC 9 : Electrical equipment and systems for railways |
적용범위 | IEC 62973-1:2018 applies to various rechargeable battery technologies for auxiliary power supply systems used on rolling stock (e.g. light rail vehicles, tramways, streetcars, metros, commuter trains, regional trains, high speed trains, locomotives, etc.). This document focuses on: - the description of electrical interfaces for the following battery nominal voltages: 24 V, 32 V, 36 V, 48 V, 64 V, 72 V, 87 V, 96 V, 110 V; - the description of electrical interfaces: considering battery load profile and battery capacity sizing parameters (e.g. operating voltage range and charging characteristics). The main objective of this document is to achieve standardization of the electrical interfaces by considering various battery parameters in order to allow for calculating the battery capacity required for a specific load profile for the various battery technologies as detailed in the other parts of the standard. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | 45.060.01 : 철도 차량 일반 |
페이지수 | 72 |
Edition | 1.0 |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | IEC 62973-1:2018 | Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 1: General requirements | 2018-03-19 | 표준 |
IEC 62973-2:2020 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 2: Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries 상세보기
IEC 62973-4:2021 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 4: Secondary sealed nickel-metal hydride batteries 상세보기
IEC 62973-5:2023 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 5: Lithium-ion batteries 상세보기
IEC 62973-3:2024 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 3: Lead acid batteries 상세보기
IEC TR 62278-4:2016 - Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) - Part 4: RAM risk and RAM life cycle aspects 상세보기
IEC 62973-2:2020 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 2: Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries 상세보기
IEC 62973-4:2021 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems - Part 4: Secondary sealed nickel-metal hydride batteries 상세보기
BS EN 50128:2011+A2:2020 - Railway applications. Communication, signalling and processing systems. Software for railway control and protection systems. 상세보기
PD CLC/TS 50701:2021 - Railway applications. Cybersecurity. 상세보기
IEC TS 63134:2020 - Active assisted living (AAL) use cases 상세보기
IEC 60034-5:2020 RLV - Rotating electrical machines - Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) - Classification 상세보기
KS B ISO TS 25740-1 - 에스컬레이터 및 무빙워크에 대한 안전요건 — 제1부: 세계공통 필수 안전요건(GESRs) 상세보기
KS B ISO TS 8100-21 - 승객 및 화물 운송용 엘리베이터 —제21부: 세계공통 필수안전요건(GESRs)을 충족하는 세계공통 안전 파라미터(GSPs) 상세보기
KS C IEC TS 62872 - 산업 시설과 스마트 그리드 사이의 산업 공정 측정, 제어 및 자동화 시스템 인터페이스 상세보기