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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스

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    ISO 11737-2:2009

    Sterilization of medical devices — Microbiological methods — Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization process
    • 발행일 : 2009-11-06
    • 발행기관 : ISO
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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분야 ISO/TC 198 : Sterilization of health care products

ISO 11737-2:2009 specifies the general criteria for tests of sterility on medical devices that have been exposed to a treatment with the sterilizing agent reduced relative to that anticipated to be used in routine sterilization processing. These tests are intended to be performed when defining, validating or maintaining a sterilization process.

국제분류(ICS)코드 07.100.10 : 의료 미생물학
11.080.01 : 일반 살균 및 소독
페이지수 16
Edition 2


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 CSA ISO 11737-2:21상세보기 Sterilization of health care products — Microbiological methods — Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization process (Adopted ISO 11737-2:2019, third edition, 2019-12) 2021-01-01 표준
2 ISO 11737-2:2019상세보기 Sterilization of health care products — Microbiological methods — Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization process 2019-12-02 표준
3 ISO 11737-2:2009상세보기 Sterilization of medical devices — Microbiological methods — Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization process 2009-11-06 구판
4 ISO 11737-2:1998상세보기 Sterilization of medical devices — Microbiological methods — Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the validation of a sterilization process 1998-07-09 구판

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